You can use it to start interacting with Python immediately. This is a blank Python interpreter window. When you click on the icon to open the program, the shell is the first thing that you see: The shell is the default mode of operation for Python IDLE. If you’re just beginning your Python programming journey, then Python IDLE is a great alternative! How to Use the Python IDLE Shell Professional IDEs are more robust pieces of software and they have a steep learning curve. Python IDLE also provides several useful features that you’ll see in professional IDEs, like basic syntax highlighting, code completion, and auto-indentation. Python IDLE gives you the ability to create and edit these files with ease. py extension that contain lines of Python code. A File EditorĮvery programmer needs to be able to edit and save text files. You can simplify your workflow with Python IDLE, which will immediately start a Python shell when you open it. You can access it through the terminal or command line app on your machine. The Python shell is an excellent place to experiment with small code snippets. Note: For a full guide to the standard Python REPL, check out The Python Standard REPL: Try Out Code and Ideas Quickly.